It truly is Better to Give Than to Receive...
So that you can reap the spiritual benefits of being The Giver, I shall play the part
of Receiver.
I’ve given so many different opportunities for you to invest in my life.
Let me know how you want to apply your donation, which facet of the jewel of my
being do you wish to polish most.
Again-- if you are poor, I don’t want your money.
But if you are rich and have more than you need to cover your responsibilities,
then share the wealth.
I know I can do good with it.
And if you’re poor, let me know how money would help you.
Perhaps, when My Cult gets really going, I can do what I’ve always wanted to do--
Wander the World, a Mysterious and Generous Do-Gooder, Appearing out of
Nowhere to Spread Ease and Love, to help those in Material Need.
I am officially putting out the Vibe to the Universe.
Fund Me
The World Will Be A Better Place.
I Promise!