It All Fits Into This... Lately, I’ve been pondering the question, "Why?" And I think I have the answer. It’s really simple, and everything pretty much fits into it. Okay, it’s like this… First, I must establish the Priorities, and they are: Primarily Soul, then Secondarily, Body. As Body, we are all here on earth, interacting, playing our material social dramas out, playing as we have since Soul first started utilizing the Body. As Soul, we occupy these wonderful bodies so we can play out social dramas. Everything that happens to us— everything social-human-interpersonal- cultural—every part of our cultural materialism and all the interactions and all the situations they create—that’s all part of the Body. The Soul, as I often say, uses the Body to Do Its Thing, whatever that is. I think it has to do with conscious realization of Truth/Compassion/Love/Etc. Which, also, is another way of describing what each of us would find if we came to realize our True Selves as Soul and not these bodies. When you start to identify who you are with Soul, rather than Body, you come closer to knowing the essence of Soul Nature—which is Truth/Compassion/Love/Etc. See what I mean? It all depends on how you look at it. I think it’s easier to get to the-- Truth/Compassion/Love/Etc.  --through simple acknowledgement of Self as Soul, rather than trying to force Truth/Compassion/Love/Etc. into a hard material life where Body is primary. You can, of course, succeed either way. Countless ways!!!! Many spokes on the Wheel, yes?!!! But it's easier to just say, "Oh. I am Soul. Souls are Truth/Compassion/Love/Etc, so that’s what I’ll start to radiate. Since it’s already me!" Yes, it’s that easy! Go ahead and try this one at home! Okay, now that you’re up to speed on the Soul thing, lets talk about the Body, about the Real World we live in. And, YES, it is a real world, full of real things that must get done. Thank goodness-- EVERYTHING FITS INTO MY NEAT LITTLE THEORY We all simply want to Belong. Be part of a Group. We define ourselves by our groups and labels. It starts with, "I am a_______". Human being. Male. American. Student. Mother. Banker. German. Smoker. Crack Whore. Saint. Frat boy. Card-Carrying Member of This-That-and-the-Other-Thing. On and On and On and On until we are completely defined in society by the things we belong to, or, more accurately, things we identify ourselves by. Our Labels! How many labels do you wear? I’m a Punk. I’m a Rasta. I’m a Hillbilly. I’m a WHATEVER. On and on and on. You get the picture. On and on. Try writing down every label you can thing of for yourself! Here’s a label of mine I almost forgot:  Damn Foxy! Now on to belonging physically. We are tribal animals, humans are. The first group we belong to is Family. Mother, father brothers, sisters. Then the group you belong to widens. We-speak-the-same-language Group. Teams, cliques, Classes, Religion, Groups defined by Common Interests (people who do those Civil War recreations, for example…. a very specific Group!). Secret Hand-Shake groups! The most important groups though are the close interpersonal ones, for there you have greater the opportunities to resolve That Damned Karma! So, isn’t it wonderful that the Soul, who wants nothing more than to work out that Karma, found Bodies to occupy who love to interact so intensely. A perfect playground for the Soul to Do Its Thing. So, now that we know that all labels in our societies are equally insignificant, and now that we know that we are Soul primarily, Body secondarily, things of the secondary—the world, the body, the labels, the ALL OF THIS, take on a refreshingly new and overwhelming degree of Unimportance. So don’t expect me to get all worked up over some Cause or World Series or something that’s on television. If Everyone suddenly realized their true Soul Nature and lived the spirit of Truth/Compassion/Love/Etc, we would have a little thing called Heaven on Earth. I think Classroom Earth is going to be around for a long, long time, providing the Soul with most excellent opportunities to overcome greed, violence, hate, prejudice, ego, etc., etc., as we have quite a lot in our world, in spite of our our Pretences to civility.
The Organic Enlightenment Process