We're All Whores...
I don’t mean we all stand on corners wearing tight leather hot pants selling our flesh for
I mean whore in the pure sense-- that we all, as part of the human condition on this
planet, compromise on a daily basis our standards, our likes, our wants, our honors, our
dignities-- in one way or another, for something we want or need.
We have all worked a job we didn’t like, or took someone’s crap because by taking it, we
might gain something or keep a job.
Call it whatever fancy name you want if you can’t deal with the bare honesty of the word
whore, but I take pride in my own acceptance of the concept in my personal life.
It’s made work at the Salt Mines most bearable once I figured out, in a dollar sense, how
much money I was making each minute. It actually fosters a sense of honor to your job
when you come to the acceptance that life is all about doing things you don’t really like in
exchange for things you do like.
We all do
whatever we need to do
to keep what makes us comfortable and secure.
That’s it. It all fits into that.
So when people criticize me for this site, for some of the videos offered and stuff and say
I’m just a whore, selling my body for money-- I say, "Yeah, so?"
They’re mostly fat and ugly and wouldn’t have my particular opportunity, so I simply foster
some compassion for them and admit that I do make money off my body and mind.
But what’s the difference if I’m using my body to shelve a book or using my body to make
an image to sell pictures?
It comes down to my own personal morality and money. And I got no problems with either,
Tap into the freedom that Whore-Awareness provides.
But don’t think that it frees you from cultural responsibilities of being a good person, to
yourself and others, and not hurting or taking from anyone.
All it does is free your thinking, gain you compassion for all people, and lessen frustrations
caused by bent egos.
It puts us all on the same level. We’re all working for money.
And even though I ask for millions, it is truly Divine Love I seek.